Posts Tagged ‘ HomeKit ’

HomeTech Podcast #116 – HomeKit Take 2

Screen+Shot+2014-04-13+at+8.09.56+AMAs listeners of the HomeTech.FM podcast are aware of, Jason is in the midst of a move. And things can go wrong when you move. Hopefully we’ll hear Jason back at the mic soon, but in the meantime I was happy to stand in for Jason and discuss the latest Apple WWDC announcements with Seth.

Remember those predictions we made about HomeKit the last time I was on this show? Yeah, we were all way wrong…and glad to be! This year, HomeKit was front and center in Apple’s keynote presentation, and there’s a lot to parse through. No #SiriInaCan, but we do get HomeKit on mobile, watch, and TV.

You can find the episode at HomeTech.FM in iTunes, or at Technology.FM.

Catching Up with HomeKit and CEDIA on The Smart Home Show

The Smart Home ShowIt seems like I’m always talking about HomeKit on The Smart Home Show. This episode is no exception, particularly since the next wave of HomeKit devices is starting to swell. Will the next devices pique more interest and (perhaps more importantly) work more reliably, or are we starting to see a bunch of “me too” commoditized products?

Mike and I also catch up on some of my observations from CEDIA Expo since he missed the event this year. My most interesting picks? The direct-to-consumer Savant Remote stands out as an offering from a traditionally installer-focused company; Fibaro is soon releasing a swipe controller that can work through countertops; and Webee offers a unique TV-based home hub solution in a sea of otherwise undifferentiated product ecosystems.

You can find the episode at Soundcloud or in iTunes.

Talking HomeKit on The Smart Home Show

The Smart Home ShowI joined market analyst Michael Wolf again on The Smart Home Show to round up the latest news. There’s plenty for me to rant about in this episode, including the state of HomeKit today, some recent security concerns in connected home tech, my scepticism around some social “analysis” suggesting that smarthome interest is waning, and the state of retail for smarthome technology.

On HomeKit, Mike tempers my usual HomeKit rant with a pre-emptive reminder that Apple’s decisively slow movements to ensure a secure smarthome infrastructure are to be commended. I’ll give him that, but I’m still gonna rant.

As for retail, I might be on to something here with an idea about who could succeed in selling this stuff to consumers [Hint: you might end up buying a smart bulb and sensors with your next FLÜGR bathmat or BILLY bookcase].

You can find the episode at Soundcloud [auto-plays episode] or in iTunes.

Talking Windows 10 on Pop Tech Radio

cover170x170I appeared on the syndicated show Popular Technology Radio again this past weekend, on Saturday, 8/1/15, to discuss why you may not yet want to make the leap to Windows 10. [SPOILERS: Windows Media Center is gone, and the tablet experience isn’t as good as with Windows 8.x.]

We also discussed some of the challenges people are experiencing with the new products available for Apple’s new home automation framework, HomeKit. My advice to the general consumer remains unchanged: wait a while (longer) to see how this all shakes out. If you really want to dive in, though, the HomeKit-compatible ecobee3 thermostat is a good bet.

The show is available now in iTunes and online at

HomeTech Podcast #67 – The HomeKit Roundtable 2015

Screen+Shot+2014-04-13+at+8.09.56+AMSmarthome products that work with Apple HomeKit are starting to roll out, and between the lack of coordination, consistency, and information, this much-anticipated launch is pretty messy. I’m kicking off my HomeKit smear tour (just kidding…sort of) with an appearance on the HomeTech Podcast. Seth, Jason, and I discuss Apple’s moves in this space, considering everything from the new product releases to the lack of news on how to pull it all together.

You can find the episode at HomeTech.FM or in iTunes.

HomeKit and Home Automation on Popular Technology Radio

cover170x170It’s been a while since I’ve been on Popular Technology Radio, so this weekend, on Saturday, 6/13/15, I appeared again on the syndicated radio show to discuss Apple’s moves into home automation. Apple’s HomeKit framework will ultimately allow consumers to buy smarthome devices with confidence that they’ll all be able to work together, to be centrally controlled and managed by their i-devices. But is HomeKit just another “standard” competing with the likes of Google and others’ offerings? My advice to the general consumer: wait a while to see how this all shakes out. This is still early days.

The show is available now in iTunes and online at